Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lots of Updates

I guess it is about time to post an update (thanks for the reminder Amy and Scott). Of course a lot has happened since the last post. Audrey is home and doing great. She was 9 lb. 2 oz. at the last doctor visit. Trevor started first grade, Logan is nearly potty trained and Kayson turned two. Unfortunately, we don't have many pictures from the last couple of months because our digital camera broke and our camcorder LCD screen displays upside down (it can be frustrating trying to film something that way). So the few pictures below were taken by April's brother Michael.

In October we went with many of April's relatives to Zion's National Park. It was a lot of fun. Here is a picture of Trevor and Elissa on top of the world.

Here are several of the cousins.

Wait a minute! One of those cousins looks like aunt Char! We went on a couple of hikes, and all that walking made Audrey really thirsty. Here she is enjoying good food and good company.

Logan earned the nickname Lizard Logan on this trip. On one of our hikes he was holding Grandpa's hand. I said, "That's a cool lizard holding your hand, Grandpa." Logan looked around then about 30 seconds later he started laughing and said, "No, Dad. I'm not a lizard; I'm Logan!" Here's a clip of him showing off his reptilian side.

After our trip we celebrated April's grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary. We really enjoyed being with them to recall and retell the memories. They are an excellent example for all of their posterity. Since they didn't have a wedding cake when they were married, they finally cut one 60 years later.

Lastly, we would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We have been very blessed this year and when we count our many blessings we count our family first.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Almost Home

Last night we stayed over night at the hospital in anticipation of bringing Audrey home tomorrow. She is doing really well. She spent the night with us in the hospital room. It was a lot of fun despite having to sleep on an uncomfortable bed. She passed the 4 Lb mark a couple of days ago and is eating (and pooping) really well. We'd love to show her off if you come visit, but because of her size the doctor has given a few precautions for a little while. Obviously all visitors must be very healthy. Kids under 3 can come visit if they are feeling well, but can't hold or kiss her. Thanks for helping us keep Audrey healthy and growing. Soon she'll be running around with her cousins and friends, playing on the grass and falling out of swings when Grandpa B launches her to the moon.

Friday, June 29, 2007

First Video

Here she is, cute as a bug in a rug! Just before we started the camera she folded her arms, then decided to reach and stretch.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Racing Goggles

Audrey's ready to ride. I'm thinking of getting a motorcycle and side car, I just have to convince April first. Looks like Audrey is ready to go. She is slightly jaundiced and has some bruising from the ultra fast delivery so they have her on photo therapy lights. She started eating today. All of her food goes through a tude into her belly, but she loves her pacifier. So I don't think she'll have any trouble eating once the doctors give the OK. The nurse told us tonight that she has started acting hungry every 2 1/2 to 3 hours after feeding.

A few hours old.

Here is a picture of Audrey a couple of hours after birth. She was on a small amount of suplimental oxygen, but that has now been removed. She is breathing room air on her own. She is surprising the doctors with how well she is progressing.

3 Years Old

Logan is getting so big. It's hard to believe he is already 3 years old. Here he is with his very cute cake.

Sleeping Soundly

Ok, it's time to update the blog since I haven't done it in way too long. A couple of months ago I came home from work at about 11:00 PM and could hear someone breathing when I turned on the light. When I went looking I found Logan sound asleep on the stairs. He can sleep anywhere!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Audrey joined the Welch clan this afternoon. She is a very beautiful girl. Born at about 32 weeks, she was a bit early, but is doing relatively well. She has very good color and is breathing on her own with a little bit of supplemental oxygen. She weighed 3 lbs. 2 oz. and is 15 inches long. I have pictures, but I didn't bring the cord to transfer them from the camera so they'll have to go up later. (Give me credit, at least I remembered the camera and laptop!) April is also doing very well and is happy to be off bed rest. Give us a call, we'd love to hear from you all. Our cell phones have to be off in the NICU, but you can call April's room or leave a message on the cell phones and we'll call you back. I'll try to get some pictures up soon.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Getting Closer

We are starting to get closer to finishing the house. It still needs a garage door, drive way, shutters, patio, carpet and a few other finishing things inside.

This is the kitchen and dining room. I wasn't sure about blue counter tops, but I think it has turned out pretty nice.